History and Mission
Inmedix LLC was founded in 2006 by Andrew J Holman, MD, and Mr. Timothy Sciarrillo as a patent holding company for Dr. Holman’s discoveries. Its first project addressed the treatment of fibromyalgia with dopamine agonists, medications FDA-approved for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. After three Inmedix studies, including two prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled trials, an Inmedix international utility patent portfolio was sold to a Boehringer-Ingelheim in 2007.
After a long hiatus, Inmedix, Inc. and its subsidiary Inmedix UK Ltd. were created in 2017 to explore the commercial opportunity of discovering why patients in general respond differently to the same treatment. This interest is founded on the precision diagnostics that matter most and are able to guide superior outcomes over a wide range of healthcare challenges.